Popular Recipes
Malvani Vatan and Malvani Masala are an important ingredients used in Malvan coast of Maharashtra. Without these two, Malvani food is inco...
Malvani Kaleji Gravy is a dish from the Malwan area of the Konkan region. Malvani cuisine is famous for its spicy quotient and its favori...
Ingredients : White Sesame seeds 1 cup Jaggery/Gud 1 cup Raw Peanuts 1/2 cup Roasted channa daal (split and ready to eat) 1/4th c...
Ingredients : 1 cup chickpeas/ garbanzo bean/ chana (soaked overnight) 2 Medium onions 2 medium tomatoes 1 Teaspoon garam ...
Ingredients : 2-3 Fresh Pomfrets , sliced into 4-5 pieces 3 Tbsp Red Chilli Powder or as requires 1 Tbsp Turmeric Powder or as...